Digital piggy bank

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Piggy bank digital?

A digital piggy bank is a saving tool that uses updated technology to store & count money electronically.

Digital piggy banks could be physical or digital. The physical-digital piggy bank has a digital display displaying savings and counting coins & bills. 

The digital piggy bank is like an apps that allow you to check savings, set a budget, monthly or weekly expense goals & interest on deposit.  

Digital piggy bank for adults?

There is no perfect digital piggy bank for adults; instead, it depends on your budget & needs. A digital piggy bank will help you to save your penny by controlling your spending behaviors

Below are some digital piggy banks that could be suitable for you.

FeaturesVcertcpl Large Digital Counting BankAcornsSmartyPigQapital
Bank typesPhysical with DisplayAppAppApp
Coin CountingAutomaticManualNoManual
Bill CountingNoNoNoNo
Goal SettingLimitedYesYesYes
Interest IncomeNo0.5% APY0.10% APYNo
SecurityLowPassword systemPassword systemPassword system
Digital piggy bank for adults

Digital piggy bank that counts bills and coins?

Many digital piggy banks count bills and coins. One piggy bank could be different from others & which one is better for you depends on your necessity.

Below is the table details a digital piggy bank that counts bills and coins & applicable for both, i.e., kids & adults.  

MyPiggy by iSaveApp basedFree
Piggybank by DaveApp basedFree
ATM Piggy BankPhysical with electronic display$29.99
DigitApp basedBoth (Free + Premium)
Yuboto Smart Coin Counting JarPhysical with electronic display$39.99
Digital piggy bank that counts bills and coins

Electronic password piggy bank?

An Electronic password piggy bank is the modern version of a traditional piggy bank with unique security features. This bank, also called a digital safe box or a digital coin bank, requires a password or PIN to access stored money or coins. 

For example, Sikaye Piggy Banks are for boys & children, whereas Vcertcpl Large Digital Counting Bank is for adults. Both banks have PIN or password systems that protect your money. 

Digital coin counting money jar?

A digital coin-counting money jar is a modern device that uses sensors to recognize & count coins automatically. It will display total real-time savings without manually tallying.  

You will find a slot at the top to drop coins, & inside, it has a system to count your deposited coins. 

A digital coin-counting money jar is helpful for those who want loose change at home, offices, retail shops, schools, colleges, or any place.

Giraffe piggy bank?

A giraffe piggy bank is a saving tool in the shape of a giraffe animal. Giraffe piggy banks are made from ceramic, plastic, or plush fabric and serve as both a decorative item & a savings bank.

Below, the table gives details on the giraffe piggy bank.

Money saving featuresDetails
PriceMarket price could range from $10 to $32
Coin slotHas coin slot on giraffe’s head or along its back that allow to deposit coins.
CapacityHave flexibility to accommodate different size coins.
Saving interestEncourage children & adults to save by giving fun.
SecurityLocking systems
UniquenessMoving head, sound effects
Giraffe piggy bank

No face coin bank?

A no-face coin bank is a piggy bank featuring plastic or ceramic characters without a face. This bank is inspired by the character “No-Face” from the Japanese animated film “Spirited Away & serves as a decorative item & coin-saving tool. 

There are three No face coin bank types: basic, standard & advanced.

The table below gives details on it.  

Money saving featuresBasicStandardAdvance
Coin SlotYesYesYes
Coin CountingNoYesYes
SecurityNoNoLocking system
Market Price (could vary)$10 to $22$22 to $32$32 to $52
No face coin bank

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Electronic piggy bank atm?

An Electronic piggy bank atm is a digital coin bank that supports ATM functions. ATM has a slot for depositing coins and bills, a digital display & buttons for interaction. 

Simply put, a piggy bank that provides similar Automated Teller Machine facilities is digitally called an electronic piggy bank. 

Breakable piggy bank?

A breakable piggy bank is a money-saving container that is designed to be broken open in order to access the inside of money or coins

A breakable piggy bank encourages you to save because it creates a mindset to reach saving goals until they are filled up. Once you meet the goal, use a hammer or drop it from a height onto a soft surface. 

However, the breakable piggy bank doesn’t have the automatic counting, app connectivity, or password protection features that most piggy banks have.


The information provided in this article is author’s view & only for educational purposes. This is not a banking advice. This is not a sponsor post & not an investment advice. Do your research before making any important financial decision. Therefore, will not be liable for your financial loss.

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