Can I install a hot tub myself: Save Thousands with These Easy Steps!

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Yes, you can install a Hot Tube by yourself. However, it requires some DIY skills. If you don’t have DIY abilities, then I recommend that you hire a professional.

Probably, you had set up Hot Tube by hiring a professional & you also know that hiring means extra expense. I can understand that higher living costs forced Americans to save on every item.

You invest time to read my article, & as a return, you usually expect savings on Hot Tube. Don’t worry; you don’t need to pay a single penny to install a Hot Tube in your home. Below, I am going to write some simple instructions-based steps that will help you set up a Hot Tub by yourself.

Let’s begin

Key takeaways:

How to set up a hot tub?

Follow these 7 steps to install a hot tub.

Steps-1: Choose a level location

Choose a level ground with durability to support the weight of the hot tub, water, and total number of people. You can pick a concrete slab, patio, or reinforced deck. If you are from Florida or a similar city where flooding is a common concern, then double-check the location. Floods could damage your Hot Tube. 

Pick extra rooms beside Hot tube dimensions for steps, cover, and maintenance access. Ensure proper drainage area to stop water buildup & GFCI outlet within a reasonable distance.

  • Saving tips:

You could save from paying professionals by taking a DIY gravel pad. Check your home to find a patio or deck; if you have one, then you can save from it, too.

Steps-2: Build the foundation

Now create a solid foundation (usually 3-4 inches, depending on the Hot Tub) using a concrete slab & allow it 72 hours to cure. Then clear the area, smooth the ground & top with patio stones. Use a hot tub pad as a temporary foundation at the surface level. Then, strengthen your deck with beams for extra support so that it can handle filled hot tub weight.  

  • Saving Tips:

You can save by borrowing or renting necessary tools such as a tamper and level.

Steps 3: Now fix the Hot Tube

Don’t hesitate to get help from your friends, family members or neighbors to place Hot Tube on the prepared base. Double-check whether the drain is accessible for future water changes.

  • Saving Tips:

Hiring movers could add extra expense. So, ask your friends, family members or neighbors to help. It could save you from paying money to a mover.

Step-4: Electrical setup

Look, I advise you to hire a licensed electrician. If not, consult with an electrician. Then install a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) & place it at least 5 feet from the Hot Tub.

Now, follow the Hot Tub’s instructions to connect the wiring to the control panel.

Follow your hot tub’s manual to connect the wiring to the control panel. Please ensure the circuit breaker is off while working.

  • Saving tips:

You can save by running the conduit & wiring yourself. You can lower electrician changes by calling him for a final hookup.

Step 5: Fill the Hot Tub with water

I advise you to use your garden hose or a dedicated water source to fill the Hot Tub. Ensure your fittings & connections don’t have any leaks. For this, tight any loose parts you have found. Then, balance the recommended amount of water treatment chemicals to maintain water quality.

  • Saving Tips:

You can save by using a hose filter to avoid sediment buildup. It will also enhance the helpful life of your system.

Steps-6: Now test the system:

First of all, power on the hot tube & check whether the jets, heater and lights are functioning correctly.  Use a water testing kit to measure whether there are sufficient amounts of pH, chlorine, and alkalinity. If needed, then add some extra chemicals to balance.

  • Savings Tips:

You can save by buying water treatment chemicals during sales events or buying them in bulk. Target local sales events for more savings.

Steps-7: Start to use focusing maintenance

Now your hot tube is ready for use, but don’t forget to use a Thermal cover. Now, you could ask why. Well, a Thermal cover helps to retain heat & also saves energy. So, cover the hot tube with a Thermal cover when you are not in use.

  • Maintenance tips:

You should clean your filters regularly, say monthly & if needed, replace them annually. Besides, drain & refill the tub after 3 to 4 months for fresh water.

  • Saving tips:

You can save on electricity by lowering the thermostat during unused time. Also, you can use an insulated cover for additional savings.

Hot tub chemicals?

I hope you can install a hot tube by yourself. If yes, then you are going to ask me the question about water treatment chemicals, right?

So, let’s see how you can shop for water treatment chemicals at a lower price.

ChemicalsHow it helps to hot tube?Regular Price ($)Shopping tips
Chlorine GranulesIt helps to disinfect water and prevents bacteria from hot tub.25 for 5 lbsYou can buy it at $18 during any sales events like, Black Friday, Cyber Monday or local sales events. You can also save by purchasing in bulk amount.
Bromine TabletsIt helps to keep water sanitization.45 for 5 lbsYou can buy it at $35 by picking manufacturer online promotion or can get discount from local hardware stores.  
pH IncreaserIt helps to balance acidity to protect equipment.12 per 2 lbsYou can buy it at $9 on clearance sales. Besides, you combine with other purchases to save on shipping costs. 
pH DecreaserIt helps to lowers pH levels for safe water. 12 per 2 lbsYou can buy it at $9 during sales events. Also, check pool supply stores before seasonal demand for additional discount.
Calcium HardnessIt helps to prevents scaling and corrosion.20 for 4 lbsYou can buy it at $15 in sales packs. Focus on closing seasonal sales local supplier events.
Alkalinity BoosterIt helps to stabilizes pH levels.16 for 5 lbsDiscounted price allows you to buy it at $12 during events. Keep eyes on coupon or sample offer from manufacture.
Spa ShockIt helps to remove contaminants and restores clarity.30 for 5 lbsYou can purchase it at $22 during promos. You can save additional by shopping larger containers that cost lower per pound.

Concluding Thought

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are there any safety rules when installing a hot tub?

Yes, you should follow the following safety tips when installing a hot tub.

  1. Check whether the power is turned off.
  2. You could face electrical hazards. So, use a GFCI breaker to prevent it.
  3. Do you have overhanging electrical lines? If so, then keep your hot tub away from it.
  4. Is your home affected by the flood? If yes, then ensure a proper drainage system.

How many days does it take to install a hot tub?

Minimum 3 days to maximum 4 days. Below is the breakdown:

Day-1: base preparation

Day-2: Positioning

Day-3: Electrical setups

Day-4: Water filling or testing

Note that you can do electrical setups & water filling on the third day if you want. So, depending on this, your estimated time for installing a hot tub could be 3 to 4 days.


The information provided in this article is just the author’s view & only for educational purposes. This post is not for promotion or affiliate purpose. By reading this, you agree that the information is not personal finance advice. Do your research before making your black Friday plan. Therefore, will not be liable for your financial loss if occur.

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